Join Vincent, a mouse with boots on his feet, a hat on his head, and a house on his back, in the enchanting world of “The Mouse Who Carried a House on His Back.” Authored by Jonathan Stutzman and brought to life by celebrated artist Isabelle Arsenault, this heartwarming tale explores the boundless power of generosity and the magic of finding home.
Vincent’s Journey: Vincent, a charming mouse, discovers an ordinary spot on a grassy hill that calls out to him. In a heartwarming gesture, he puts down the house he carries on his back and realizes he’s where he needs to be.
Generosity Unleashed: As hungry and tired travelers pass by, Vincent opens his home to them, making room for everyone. Even in the face of challenges—a ravenous cat, a fox, or a herd of deer—Vincent’s heart remains open, and his home on the hill is warm and magical.
Charming Voice: Jonathan Stutzman’s delightful storytelling is complemented by the elegant, inventive die-cut art of three-time Governor General’s Award winner Isabelle Arsenault.
Heartwarming Tale: This classic tale captures the essence of generosity and the magic of finding home, making it an ideal choice for young readers.
Artistic Brilliance: Isabelle Arsenault’s die-cut art adds a unique and enchanting visual dimension, bringing the story to life with elegance and creativity.
Ever-Expanding Heart: Vincent’s story resonates with the idea that generosity knows no bounds, and a warm heart can turn a house into a magical home.
Additional Details:
Published by Candlewick
Published Date: Aug 30, 2022 Pages: 48 Pages
Size: 9-1/16 x 10-5/8
Age Recommended: 4-8 years ISBN 9781536216790
Explore the heartwarming journey of Vincent and his magical house at Dearly—a tale that celebrates the expansive power of generosity and the warmth of finding home.